Photographic tour

It was thanks to a gift from my grandparents at the age of 14, a Miranda reflex REII camera, that I took my first steps in photography. My interest grew and grew, turning into a real passion in the early 1990s. Even then, architecture was my favourite subject. I spent almost three years photographing the inner courtyards of Parisian buildings, discovering many unusual places and getting to know my city better, which I tirelessly criss-crossed, always on the lookout for new places to photograph.

It was in 2005 that I began to take an interest in digital technology, which had been revolutionizing the photographic industry for several years by then. I acquired my first digital camera, a Nikon D70, along with several lenses. The digital file, which replaces film, can be easily developed on a computer. So I began to take an interest in Adobe Photoshop, which I would study again and again, to try and add a personal touch to my images. As you can see from my pictures, I don't always try to represent reality, although I always start from real scenes. After many years spent photographing mainly in color, it's thanks to black & white that I now express myself most often in my work. I like to work with strong contrasts and varied light effects, in order to create images with a strong visual impact.

It was around this time that I began to showcase my work more widely on the Internet, thanks to emerging photo-sharing sites such as Flickr, to name but one of the most emblematic. However, I was soon looking for a more personal way to share my work. Curious about communication technologies, I decided to create my own website, without any knowledge of the subject. From there, I also created a photo blog, enabling me to communicate and above all share my passion, with tutorials and numerous subjects about Paris. In 2016, I obtained a professional title as a web graphic designer.

Armed with this long experience in the image industry, I decided to take the plunge and set up my own business in this field. For several years now, I've been offering my services to companies and individuals. In addition to my main activity of training, I regularly work with companies for which I mainly take architectural photos, and more particularly interior photos. More recently, I have also specialized in product photography. My mastery of image correction and retouching enables me to deliver work that my customers appreciate.

In 2021, I gave my first course in English. Since then, I have taken part in several international conferences, mainly in the United States, which have enabled me to develop an international clientele. This has also enabled me to develop collaborations with photographers/trainers specializing in different fields. These collaborations take the form of online workshops.

If passion is the word that comes up most often when I talk about photography, it's also the way I get involved in all my projects.

Découvrez mon interview par Olivier Rocq.

I cover a wide range of subjects (my background, composition in photography, my courses, etc.).