For a few years now, I have been interested in creating monochrome images, in the style of those that illustrate this article. In the digital age and the possibilities offered in the field of image editing, this new approach for me came to me as I improved my knowledge of Adobe Photoshop software. Indeed, I wanted to change my habits a little, trying something different.

For many years, I photographed architecture in color, but already retouching my images (change of sky, perspectives, etc.). It was from some of these images that I started the black and white. Keeping just about all my work files in PSD format (the native format of Photoshop), I already had hijacked images available. If I bring this precision, it is to get to the next point: I did not yet know technically how I was going to create these monochrome images. I should point out here that not all of the ones you see here are the result of long poses, or photographs taken at night. These are photos taken largely during the day, with the idea that they are basically as neutral as possible. You can see two examples below, as well as the following:


With the tools and knowledge I had at the time, I began my experiments. However, it took me a while to get to the result I wanted to achieve, as these images usually require a lot of work. It uses technique on the one hand, and on the other hand on a more creative aspect, in the sense that it will be necessary to build the games of shadows and lights.

Regarding the series that you can see here, it is somewhat different from the images I created with modern architecture. The technique for working them is also different. It is in my opinion a little more complex, because of the variety of shapes (and the difference in textures) in classical architecture. That's probably why this series has very few images at the moment, because I create less often. You can see other black and white images in my portfolio.

The monochrome images are certainly the ones I prefer to work on for some time. Their visual impact is often interesting, due to the density of tones, gradients, and effects created. Also, for some time now, I offer online courses, allowing to work this style of image. Please contact me if you are interested in this topic. You can also see the course details on the site (you find the link below).

Thank you for your visit!


You can click on the image thumbnails to enlarge them

Discover the details of the Photoshop course to learn how to create this style of images